We take caring for your pets as seriously as we do our own, so we consistently take actions to continue our education with professional courses and industry-recognized certifications. This instills confidence and knowledge in our experienced sitters and helps keep our client's minds at ease when they leave their beloved pets at home under our care.
Fear Free Certified
"Founded by “America’s Veterinarian,” Dr. Marty Becker, and developed by hundreds of experts in behavior, medicine, and handling, Fear Free has become one of the single most transformative initiatives in the history of companion animal practice.
The programs and courses provide veterinary professionals, pet professionals, animal welfare communities, and pet owners with the knowledge and tools to look after both a pet’s physical and emotional wellbeing."
Pet Emergency Education
"Pet Emergency Education strives to provide the highest quality animal CPR, first aid and emergency response training to veterinary and animal professionals, pet owners, emergency responders and anyone else who genuinely cares for animals.
Our internationally recognized programs offer detailed, hands-on training providing participants with a well-rounded education. Our PetCPR+ and PetCPR+ Advanced programs are recognized by local and national veterinary associations, humane societies, disaster response teams, pet businesses and more."